Deborah R. Hilbert
scientist | plant whisperer | passionate observer
Deborah R. Hilbert
I study trees in cities: which trees to plant, how to maintain them, and how they fit into the bigger picture of green infrastructure and regional urban forest sustainability.
I believe all people have a right to access healthy green spaces. This is especially important now that 55% of the world's people live in urban areas. I want my research to contribute to a more sustainable, equitable urban forest.
I have a strong background in biology fieldwork, plant conservation, environmental issues, sustainability, and organic gardening. I'm passionate about science education and outreach, and I spent several years as an environmental educator before focusing on research. I am President of the Arboricultural Research and Education Academy.
I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Florida's Environmental Horticulture Department. I conducted dissertation research on urban forest diversity in Dr. Andrew Koeser's Urban Trees and Landscape Management Lab.
I received a B.S. in biology and B.A. in environmental studies from Eckerd College, where I conducted independent research on the campus’s urban forest and managed the 2-acre campus organic garden.
Owner and Principal Consultant (2021)
Many Trees Consulting, LLC
Biological Scientist, II (2016-2020)
Urban Trees and Landscape Management Lab
University of Florida/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Wimauma, FL
Education and Research Coordinator (2015-2016)
Nature’s Academy, Inc., Bradenton, FL
Garden Program Coordinator (2014-2015)
Edible Peace Patch Project, St. Petersburg, FL
Environmental Education Specialist (2014-2015)
Tampa Bay Watch, Inc., St. Petersburg, FL
Conservation and Land Management Intern (2013)
Chicago Botanic Garden & Bureau of Land Management, Susanville, CA
John P. White Memorial Scholarship, FL International Society of Arboriculture, fall 2018 & fall 2017
Travel Grant, Graduate Student Council, fall 2018
Student Travel Grant, Environmental Horticulture Grad Student Association, fall 2018
Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology Graduate Student Scholarship, UF, 2017-2019
Phi Beta Kappa, inducted spring 2013
Eckerd College Miller Service Award, Eckerd College, spring 2013
Excellence in Environmental Studies Award, Eckerd College, spring 2013
Award for Academic Excellence in Biology, Eckerd College, spring 2013
Environmental Service Award, Eckerd College, spring 2013
Featured Campus Farmer, Campus Farmers (Bon Appétit Management), spring/summer 2013
Grants Funded
Hauer, R., D.R. Hilbert, A.K. Koeser, and L. Lorentz. 2019. Wisconsin’s Urban Tree Canopy Cover: Estimation Methods and the Influence of Urban and Community Forestry Program Characteristics and Land Use. McIntire-Stennis Capacity Grant. $122,431.
Koeser, A.K., D. McLean, and D.R. Hilbert. 2019. Tree Preservation Ordinances in the State of Florida – How does Policy Impact
Canopy Coverage? Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association (FNGLA) Endowed Research Fund Project Enhancement Award. $4,986.
Koeser, A.K. and D.R. Hilbert. 2018. Determining Root Space Requirements for Florida Street Trees. Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association (FNGLA) Endowed Research Fund Project Enhancement Award. $5,000.
Roman, L.A., A.K. Koeser, J.M. Vogt, N.S. van Doorn, and D.R. Hilbert. 2016. Comprehensive Literature Review of Urban Tree Mortality: Factors Influencing Mortality and Implications for Population Models. International Society of Arboriculture Science and Research Committee. $5,000.
Certifications & Trainings
Quantified Tree Risk Assessment, QTRA, 6/2019
GIS Training, UF/IFAS Sea Grant, 5/2019
Tree Risk Assessment Qualified, International Society of Arboriculture, 7/2018-7/2023
ISA Certified Arborist, International Society of Arboriculture, 3/2017-6/2020
Seeds of Success (SOS), Chicago Botanic Garden, 6/2013
Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring (AIM) Strategy, Bureau of Land Management, 7/2013